C# – Copy a dictionary

The simplest way to make a copy of a dictionary is to use the copy constructor. You pass the dictionary you want to copy to the new dictionary’s constructor, like this: Note: If you’re using a non-default comparer, you’ll want to pass it to the copy constructor (i.e. new Dictionary(d, d.Comparer)). The copy constructor handles … Read more

C# – Deserialize JSON to a dictionary

I’ll show examples of how to deserialize JSON to dictionaries in different scenarios. Deserializing to Dictionary<string, string> When your JSON object has properties with simple string values (as opposed to nested objects), you can deserialize to Dictionary<string, string>. Here’s an example. Consider the following simple JSON object: Note: In all examples, I’ll show the pretty-printed … Read more

C# – Convert JSON to an object

Converting a JSON string to an object is referred to as deserialization. You can do this with a JSON serializer. There are two primary options: I’ll show examples by deserializing the following Movie JSON to a Movie object: Movie JSON: Movie class (properties match JSON): Using JsonSerializer.Deserialize() (in System.Text.Json) To deserialize with the built-in JsonSerializer.Deserialize(), … Read more

C# – Serialize and deserialize a multidimensional array to JSON

System.Text.Json doesn’t support serializing / deserializing multidimensional arrays. When you try, it throws an exception like this – System.NotSupportedException: The type ‘System.Int[,] is not supported. You have three options: In this article, I’ll show an example of how to create a custom JsonConverter that handles multidimensional arrays. In this example, I’ll specifically show how to … Read more

C# – JSON value could not be converted to System.String

When you send a request to ASP.NET with a JSON body, you get the following exception: System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1. You can’t deserialize JSON to a string. You’re either using a string parameter with [FromBody] or your model has a string … Read more

C# – How to update a file’s contents

There are three ways to update a file’s content: Which option you pick depends on the file’s format and size. For example, if you’re writing to an existing CSV file, you’d append new lines to the end of the file. If you’re updating a JSON file, you’d read all the JSON content, make changes, then … Read more

C# – How to send synchronous requests with HttpClient

In .NET 5 and above, you can use the HttpClient Sync API methods – Send() and ReadAsStream() – to send HTTP requests synchronously (as opposed to resorting to sync-over-async). Here’s the steps for doing this: HttpClient was originally designed for async requests and has many async convenience methods (like GetAsync() and ReadAsStringAsync()). There aren’t sync … Read more

C# – Manually validate objects that have model validation attributes

You can use the Validator utility class to do manual attribute-based validation on any object, in any project type (as opposed to doing automatic model validation in ASP.NET). To do this, add model validation attributes to your class properties, then create an object and populate it (aka binding), and finally execute manual validation with the … Read more

C# – JSON deserializer returns null properties

Let’s say you have the following JSON: When you go to deserialize it, you notice that all or some of its properties are null (or default for value types): This outputs the following (because person.Name is null and person.Pets is 0): The data is definitely there, so why did it set these properties to null … Read more

C# – How to read problem details JSON with HttpClient

Problem details (RFC7807) is a standardized error response format that has a Content-Type of application/problem+json, an error response code (i.e. 400 – Bad Request), and has a response body that looks like this: This can be extended to include any number of properties. The example shown above comes from the default way ASP.NET Core returns … Read more

C# – JSON object contains a trailing comma at the end which is not supported

Problem When you deserialize JSON with a “trailing comma”, you get the following error: The JSON object contains a trailing comma at the end which is not supported in this mode. Change the reader options. JSON properties are separated with commas. A trailing comma is one that has no properties after it. Here’s an example … Read more

C# – Deserialize JSON using different property names

When JSON property names and class property names are different, and you can’t just change the names to match, you have three options: These options affect both deserialization and serialization. Let’s say you have the following JSON with camel-cased property names: Here’s an example of using the JsonPropertyName attribute: Note: The Newtonsoft equivalent is [JsonProperty(“title”)] … Read more

C# – Deserialize JSON with a specific constructor

When your class has multiple constructors, you can use the JsonConstructor attribute to specify which constructor to use during deserialization. Here’s an example. The Person class has two constructors. I put the JsonConstructor attribute on one of the constructors: Note: JsonConstructor for System.Text.Json was added in .NET 5. Now deserialize a JSON string to the … Read more

C# – Deserialize a JSON array to a list

When you’re working with a JSON array, you can deserialize it to a list like this: This deserializes all of the objects in the JSON array into a List<Movie>. You can use this list object like usual. Note: All examples will use System.Collections.Generic and System.Text.Json. I’ll exclude the using statements for brevity. Example – JSON … Read more

C# – Deserialize JSON as a stream

Here’s an example of deserializing JSON from a file as a stream with System.Text.Json: Stream deserialization has three main benefits: In this article, I’ll go into details about these benefits and show a few other stream serialization scenarios. Benefits of deserializing as a stream Performance There are two ways to deserialize JSON: Deserializing a stream … Read more

C# – How to use JsonExtensionData

Use the JsonExtensionData attribute (in System.Text.Json) to deserialize properties that aren’t part of the class. Without this, JSON fields that don’t match a property are simply ignored and the returned object will have null properties. Here’s an example of adding this attribute to a dictionary property: Now when you deserialize JSON to this Person class, … Read more

C# – Changing the JSON serialization date format

When you serialize a date with System.Text.Json, it uses the standard ISO-8601 date format (ex: “2022-01-31T13:15:05.2151663-05:00”). Internally, it uses the built-in DateTimeConverter class for handling DateTime, which doesn’t give you a way to change the date format. To change the date format, you have to create a custom JSON converter and pass it in: This … Read more

C# – Deserializing JSON with quoted numbers

There are two ways to represent numbers in JSON: as number literals (ex: 123) or as quoted numbers (ex: “123”). In this article, I’ll explain how quoted numbers are handled during deserialization in Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json and how to change the behavior. At the end, I’ll show how to write quoted numbers during serialization. Quoted … Read more

Moq – Capture parameters with Callback()

When you’re using Moq to set up a mocked method, you can use Callback() to capture the parameters passed into the mocked method: There are two main use cases for capturing parameters in a test: In this article, I’ll show examples of using Callback() in those two scenarios, and then I’ll explain some problems to … Read more

ASP.NET Core – How to unit test your middleware class

There are three requirements for unit testing a middleware class: Here’s an example: This is a simple test that only checks the response status code. By passing in DefaultHttpContext, you have control over the request and response objects. You can set the request to whatever you need, and then verify the response. I’ll show examples … Read more

The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateTime

When you’re using System.Text.Json to deserialize a DateTime value, if the value isn’t in the format it expects, then it’ll throw a JsonException. It expects datetimes to be in the ISO-8601-1:2019 format (for example: 2021-07-12T12:35:34+00:00). For example, the following code is trying to deserialize a DateTime value in an unexpected format: This’ll throw the following … Read more

Deserializing JSON that contains an embedded JSON string

In this article, I’ll show an example of code that handles deserializing JSON that contains an embedded JSON string. I’ll refer to this as a JSON envelope. The reason to refer to this as an envelope is because it’s similar to how you send paper mail through the post office. You put a letter (the … Read more

C# – Serialize a tuple to JSON

When you serialize a tuple to JSON, it uses the the underlying ValueTuple’s field names – Item1 and Item2. It doesn’t matter if you’re using a named tuple, it won’t use the names you specified in the tuple declaration. This behavior is the same with Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json. Here’s an example of serializing a named … Read more

C# – How to copy an object

In this article I’ll explain how to copy an object. I’ll explain the difference between shallow and deep copying, and then show multiple ways to do both approaches for copying objects. At the end, I’ll show a performance and feature comparison to help you decide which object copying method to use. Shallow copy vs Deep … Read more

JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to Enum

When you’re using System.Text.Json to deserialize JSON that contains the string representation of an enum, you get the following exception: System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to <Enum Type> The following JSON would cause this exception. Conference is an enum, and this is using the string representation “NFC” instead of the numeric value … Read more