How to modify app.config at runtime

When you try to modify the app.config at runtime, if you don’t do it right, you’ll run into a few problems: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: The configuration is read only. This article will show you how to update the app.config the right way to avoid these problems. This shows three different scenarios: inserting a new connection string, modifying … Read more

How to use relative paths in a Windows Service

Relative paths are resolved relative to the current working directory. When you’re running a Windows Service, the default working directory is C:\Windows\system32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Therefore relative paths are resolved from these system folders, which can lead to problems when read/writing files. Here are the most common problems you’ll run into: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a … Read more

Refactoring the Switch Statement code smell

The Switch Statement code smell refers to using switch statements with a type code to get different behavior or data instead of using subclasses and polymorphism. In general, it looks like this: This switch(typeCode) structure is typically spread throughout many methods. This makes the code difficult to extend, and violates the Open-Closed Principle. This principle … Read more

C# – Fixing the Sync over Async antipattern

The Sync over Async antipattern is when you’re using a blocking wait on an async method, instead of awaiting the results asynchronously. This wastes the thread, causes unresponsiveness (if called from the UI), and exposes you to potential deadlocks. There are two causes: In this article I’ll show an example of the Sync over Async … Read more

SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow

Problem I am executing a SQL query and trying to set a datetime column to DateTime.MinValue. I’m getting the following exception: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: ‘SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.’ The problem is that DateTime.MinValue is 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM and the SQL Server DateTime minimum value is 1/1/1753 12:00 AM. Solution … Read more

Primitive Obsession code smell

The primitive obsession code smell means you’re using primitive types (ex: string, int) excessively instead of encapsulating them in objects. This leads to sloppy code that’s error prone, such as when you have very long parameter lists full of primitives. I’ll show an example of this problem and how to fix it. Here’s a simple … Read more

C# – Log every method call

I want to log method calls, including their parameter names and values, and what called the method. I want to minimize the amount of coding involved. For example: What options are available? In this article I’ll explain how to use the simple built-in approach. 1 – Create LogMethodCall() utility method The System.Diagnostics.StackFrame class gives us … Read more

Class Diagrams missing in Visual Studio

Problem The Class Diagram item is missing in Visual Studio. Note: I ran into problem starting in VS2019. Solution For some reason this is not installed by default in Visual Studio, so we simply need to install it. 1. In Visual Studio click Tools > Get Tools and Features… 2. Close Visual Studio. 3. In … Read more

Refactoring the Large Class code smell

The Large Class code smells refers to a class that has too many responsibilities. It’s doing too much. Ideally a class should only have one responsibility (Single Responsibility Principle). Code Smell: Large Class Definition: A class has too many responsibilities. Solution: Large Class code smell example Here’s an example of the Large Class code smell … Read more

The referenced component could not be found

Problem When I open a C# project in Visual Studio, none of the references are loading. In the error list it says “The referenced component could not be found” for several references. Here’s a snippet showing just a few of the reference errors: The referenced component ‘System’ could not be found.The referenced component ‘Microsoft.CSharp’ could … Read more

Auto-increment build numbers in Visual Studio

You need to auto-increment your build numbers in order to easily tell which code you’re working with. In this article I’ll explain how to auto-increment your build numbers in Visual Studio. I’ll be using text templating to generate the Assembly Version. 1 – Choose a versioning scheme I’m going to be using the version scheme: … Read more

Starting the Visual Studio debugger when Attach to Process doesn’t work

Problem You’re trying to debug a program with Visual Studio but Attach to Process does not work. Most likely you’re loading your code through some third-party process (like Excel), and when you try to use Attach to Process it simply doesn’t work. Solution Instead of trying to use Attach to Process, you can launch a … Read more

How to mock static methods

The need to mock static methods in order to add a unit test is a very common problem. It’s often the case that these static methods are in third-party libraries. There are many utility libraries that are completely made up of static methods. While this makes them very easy to use, it makes them really … Read more

C# – Example of using BlockingCollection

The BlockingCollection class is a blocking concurrent queue. It provides an implementation of the producer-consumer pattern. There are two parts to this pattern: BlockingCollection is thread-safe, which means it’s designed to be used by many threads at once. Here’s an example of using BlockingCollection with one consumer and two producers: Note: BlockingCollection.IsCompleted means the queue … Read more

‘CREATE/ALTER’ must be the first statement in a query batch

Problem When you’re executing a CREATE/ALTER statement to create a procedure/view/function/trigger, you get one of the following errors: ‘CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE’ must be the first statement in a query batch ‘CREATE VIEW’ must be the first statement in a query batch. ‘CREATE FUNCTION’ must be the first statement in a query batch. ‘CREATE TRIGGER’ must be … Read more

Error: chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory

Problem I’m trying to use Selenium with the ChromeDriver and I’m running into the following exception: Unhandled Exception: OpenQA.Selenium.DriverServiceNotFoundException: The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable. The driver can be downloaded at Solution The simplest solution is to install the Selenium.Chrome.WebDriver package: … Read more

C# – Monitor data changes with SQL Server query notifications

You can use SQL Server query notifications to send push notifications to your code when data changes. This is an alternative to polling the database for changes. In this article, I’ll show how to configure this feature and work with it in the code. 1 – Enable Service Broker and configure permissions You need to … Read more

WinForms – How to get CheckedListBox selected values

A CheckedListBox is a list control with multiple checkboxes. This allows the user to check multiple boxes at once. You can also programmatically check items in the CheckedListBox and remove them. How can I can get all the values they selected? By looping through the CheckedListBox.CheckedItems collection. See the UI and Code examples below. UI … Read more