Refactoring the Long Method code smell

In this article I’ll be walking through an example of how to refactor the Long Method code smell.

Code Smell: Long Method

Definition: A method has too many lines of code, making it hard to understand.


  • Extract duplicate code into a new method
  • Extract code into smaller methods

Long Method code smell example

Here’s an example of the Long Method code smell (source: GildedRose Refactoring Kata). This method is 75 lines long, and is full of code smells. However, when refactoring we need to focus on one step at a time. In this case I’ll be focusing on refactoring this Long Method code smell.

public void UpdateQuality()
	for (var i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
		if (Items[i].Name != "Aged Brie" && Items[i].Name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert")
			if (Items[i].Quality > 0)
				if (Items[i].Name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros")
					Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality - 1;
			if (Items[i].Quality < 50)
				Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality + 1;

				if (Items[i].Name == "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert")
					if (Items[i].SellIn < 11)
						if (Items[i].Quality < 50)
							Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality + 1;

					if (Items[i].SellIn < 6)
						if (Items[i].Quality < 50)
							Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality + 1;

		if (Items[i].Name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros")
			Items[i].SellIn = Items[i].SellIn - 1;

		if (Items[i].SellIn < 0)
			if (Items[i].Name != "Aged Brie")
				if (Items[i].Name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert")
					if (Items[i].Quality > 0)
						if (Items[i].Name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros")
							Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality - 1;
					Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality - Items[i].Quality;
				if (Items[i].Quality < 50)
					Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality + 1;
Code language: C# (cs)

Before we begin

Refactoring rule #1: Always make sure you have tests covering the code you’re about to refactor. Run the tests after each small step.

Extract duplicate code into a new method DecrementQualityForNormalItems(int i)

I have to zoom out to see this entire method. After doing that, I can see that there is duplicate code.

if (Items[i].Quality > 0)
	if (Items[i].Name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros")
		Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality - 1;
Code language: C# (cs)

I can reduce the length of the method by putting duplicate code into a new method and calling it. This is known as the Extract Method refactoring.

1. Create a new method called void DecrementQualityForNormalItems(int i).

2. Copy the duplicate code into DecrementQualityForNormalItems(int i).

Duplicate code extracted to a method

3. Replace the duplicate code with a call to DecrementQualityForNormalItems(int i).

Calls to extracted method

Extract duplicate code into a new method IncrementQuality(int i)

I noticed more duplicate code, so I’ll apply the Extract Method refactoring again.

if (Items[i].Quality < 50)
	Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality + 1;
Code language: C# (cs)

1. Create a new method called void IncrementQuality(int i).

2. Copy the duplicate code into IncrementQuality(int i).

Duplicate code extracted to a method

3. Replace the duplicate code with a call to IncrementQuality(int i).

Calls to extracted method

4. Remove the outer if Quality < 50, and replace it with a call to IncrementQuality(int i).

This is a little more tricky than the previous refactoring. The tricky part is that the conditional block has additional logic. We can remove the outer if Quality < 50 because doing so has no side effects. It has no side effects because IncrementQuality() also has the if Quality < 50 condition. Therefore, there is really no need for this outer if.

Calling extracted method where code was duplicated

Extract code into new method UpdateQualityForItemsThatAgeWell(int i)

The next step is to look for blocks of code that go together and apply the Extract Method refactoring. Besides making the method shorter, by having to give a descriptive name to the new method, it makes the code easier to understand.

The following if block can be extracted to a method to improve readability:

if (Items[i].Name == "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert")
	if (Items[i].SellIn < 11)

	if (Items[i].SellIn < 6)
Code language: C# (cs)

1. Create a new method called UpdateQualityForItemsThatAgeWell(int i).

2. Copy the code over to UpdateQualityForItemsThatAgeWell(int i).

Extract block of code to a method

3. Replace the code with a call to UpdateQualityForItemsThatAgeWell(int i).

Call extracted method

Extract code into new method UpdateQualityForExpiredItems(int i)

Again, I’ll look for code that goes together and use the Extract Method refactoring. The usual targets for this are if blocks and loops, such as the following if block:

if (Items[i].Name != "Aged Brie")
	if (Items[i].Name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert")
		Items[i].Quality = Items[i].Quality - Items[i].Quality;
Code language: C# (cs)

1. Create a new method called UpdateQualityForExpiredItems(int i).

2. Copy the code over to this new method.

Extracting if block to a method

3. Replace the code with a call to UpdateQualityForExpiredItems(int i).

Calling the extracted method

End result

The method is now much shorter and easier to understand.

public void UpdateQuality()
	for (var i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
		if (Items[i].Name != "Aged Brie" && Items[i].Name != "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert")

		if (Items[i].Name != "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros")
			Items[i].SellIn = Items[i].SellIn - 1;

		if (Items[i].SellIn < 0)
Code language: C# (cs)

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