C# – Parsing a CSV file

In this article, I’ll show how to parse a CSV file manually and with a parser library (CsvHelper). Let’s say you have the following CSV file: To manually parse this, read the file line by line and split each line with a comma. This gives you a string array containing the fields that you can … Read more

C# – Change a dictionary’s values in a foreach loop

In .NET 5 and above, you can loop through a dictionary and directly change its values. Here’s an example: This outputs the following: You couldn’t do this before .NET 5, because it would invalidate the enumerator and throw an exception: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation my not execute. Instead, you’d have to make the … Read more

C# – Save a list of strings to a file

The simplest way to save a list of strings to a file is to use File.WriteAllLines(). This creates (or overwrites) the file and writes each string on a new line. The resulting file looks like this: Note: Showing non-printable newline characters \r\n for clarity. Specifying the separator character What if you want to separate each … Read more

C# – Remove non-alphanumeric characters from a string

The simplest way to remove non-alphanumeric characters from a string is to use regex: Note: Don’t pass in a null, otherwise you’ll get an exception. Regex is the simplest options for removing characters by “category” (as opposed to removing arbitrary lists of characters or removing characters by position). The downside is that regex is the … Read more

C# – Trim a UTF-8 string to the specified number of bytes

Here’s the simplest way to efficiently trim a UTF-8 string to the specified number of bytes: A UTF-8 string can have a mix of characters between 1 to 4 bytes. When you only take part of the byte array, you may end up cutting multi-byte chars in half, which then get replaced with the replacement … Read more

C# – Check if a string contains any substring from a list

There are many different scenarios where you might want to check a string against a list of substrings. Perhaps you’re dealing with messy exception handling and have to compare the exception message against a list of known error messages to determine if the error is transient or not. When you need to check a string … Read more

CA1806: Do not ignore method results

The CA1806 warning is triggered whenever you call a method and ignore the return value. I’ll show examples of a few of the scenarios where you might run into this. CA1806 – When you call a string method and don’t use the new string Strings are immutable. Once you create a string, you can’t change … Read more

C# – Join strings with a separator, ignoring nulls and empty strings

Normally when you want to join strings using a separator, you’d use string.Join(). However, the problem with string.Join() is it doesn’t ignore nulls or empty strings. Take a look at the following examples: If you want to filter out nulls and empty strings, you can filter the list of strings yourself and pass it into … Read more

C# – Remove a list of characters from a string

When you want to remove a list of characters from a string, loop through the list and use string.Replace(): Note that string.Replace() returns a new string (because strings are immutable). Running this outputs the following: This is the fastest approach (in .NET 6+). Linq approach: Where() + ToArray() + new string() Another option for removing … Read more

C# – Convert a list of strings into a set of enums

Let’s say you have a list of HTTP status codes that you read in when the service starts up (perhaps from appsettings.json or from the database). Whenever you send an HTTP request, you want to check if the returned status code is in this list of status code. To make things more efficient, you want … Read more

C# – The nameof() operator

The nameof() operator outputs the name of the class/method/property/type passed into it. Here’s an example: Note: nameof() was added in C# 6. nameof() eliminates duplication The DRY principle – Don’t Repeat Yourself – warns us against having duplication in the code. Whenever information or code is duplicated, it’s possible to change something in one spot … Read more

HackerRank – Two Strings solution

In this article, I’ll explain how to solve the Two Strings algorithm problem on HackerRank. Problem statement: Given two strings, determine if they have a substring in common. The strings can have up to 100k characters. Example: Given “hello world” and “world”, do they have a substring in common? Yes, they many substrings in common. … Read more

C# – Parsing commands and arguments in a console app

In a console app there are two ways to get commands: After getting a command, you have to parse it to figure out what code to execute. Typically commands have the following format: commandName -argumentName argumentValue. For example, take a look at this familiar git command: This is passing the command line arguments into the … Read more

C# – Use StringAssert when testing a string for substrings

When you’re testing if two strings are equal, you can simply use Assert.AreEqual(). When you’re testing if a string contains a substring or a pattern, typically developers use Assert.IsTrue() with a substring method or regex. You should use StringAssert instead, because it gives better failure messages. Note: StringAssert is nice because it’s a built-in class. … Read more

C# – How to use format strings with string interpolation

Interpolated strings have the following structure: {variable:format}. Typically you exclude the format, so they normally look like this: $”My name is {name}”. Here’s how to use format strings with an interpolated string: This outputs the following: This is the equivalent of using string.Format() like this: Read more about why you should use string interpolation instead … Read more

C# – Use string interpolation instead of string.Format

Using string.Format() is error prone and can lead to runtime exceptions. Using string interpolation prevents these problems (and it’s more readable). This article shows the two common mistakes you can make when using string.Format(), resulting in runtime exceptions, and shows how you can use string interpolation to prevent these problems. 1 – FormatException: Format string … Read more

C# – Hex string to byte array

This article shows code for converting a hex string to a byte array, unit tests, and a speed comparison. First, this diagram shows the algorithm for converting a hex string to a byte array. To convert a hex string to a byte array, you need to loop through the hex string and convert two characters … Read more

C# – How to test that your code can handle another culture’s date format

Let’s say you have code that converts a string to a DateTime with DateTime.Parse(): By default, DateTime.Parse() uses CultureInfo.CurrentCulture to figure out the date format. The current culture ultimately comes from your OS settings. So when you run this code on a computer that is using the en-US locale, the current culture will automatically default … Read more

C# – Use Convert.ChangeType to convert string to any type

You can use Convert.ChangeType() to convert from a string to any type, like this: Normally you’d call the specific type converter method, such as when you’re converting a string to an int. However, sometimes it makes sense to use the generalized type converter method – Convert.ChangeType() – instead of hardcoding the calls to specific type … Read more

Primitive Obsession code smell

The primitive obsession code smell means you’re using primitive types (ex: string, int) excessively instead of encapsulating them in objects. This leads to sloppy code that’s error prone, such as when you have very long parameter lists full of primitives. I’ll show an example of this problem and how to fix it. Here’s a simple … Read more

Error: Attribute constructor has an invalid parameter type

Problem When you try to pass in an attribute constructor parameter to a custom attribute, you get one of the following compiler errors: Error CS0181 Attribute constructor parameter has type ‘Color’ which is not a valid attribute parameter type Error CS0655 ‘Color’ is not a valid named attribute argument because it is not a valid … Read more

C# – Parse a comma-separated string from app.config

I’ll show how to parse comma-separated integer values from app.config and load them into a HashSet for efficient lookups. First, take a look at the setting (retryStatusCodes) in app.config: To load and parse this setting from app.config, do the following: The following code shows how to do this: Note: You have to add a reference … Read more