C# – How to use LinkedList

LinkedList<T> is a doubly linked list. It consists of nodes with values (i.e. integers, strings, etc…) and links to the next and previous node. LinkedList<T> has a reference to the head and tail nodes, which enables efficient insertion (and removal) from the start and end of the list. The main reason to use LinkedList<T> is … Read more

C# – Remove duplicates from a list

The simplest (and most efficient) way to remove duplicates from a list is by iterating, keeping track of items you’ve seen with a HashSet, and discarding items you’ve already seen. I’ll show four ways to implement this O(n) algorithm. At the end, I’ll explain a few inefficient approaches to avoid. Remove duplicates with ToHashSet() and … Read more

C# – Loop through a dictionary

The simplest way to loop through a dictionary is with a foreach loop. Here’s an example of initializing a dictionary with values and then looping through it: This outputs the following: The loop variable is a KeyValuePair<string, int> with Key and Value properties. Instead of using this, you can deconstruct the KeyValuePair into named variables, … Read more

HackerRank – Two Strings solution

In this article, I’ll explain how to solve the Two Strings algorithm problem on HackerRank. Problem statement: Given two strings, determine if they have a substring in common. The strings can have up to 100k characters. Example: Given “hello world” and “world”, do they have a substring in common? Yes, they many substrings in common. … Read more