C# – Parsing a CSV file

In this article, I’ll show how to parse a CSV file manually and with a parser library (CsvHelper). Let’s say you have the following CSV file: To manually parse this, read the file line by line and split each line with a comma. This gives you a string array containing the fields that you can … Read more

C# – Filter a dictionary

The simplest way to filter a dictionary is by using the Linq Where() + ToDictionary() methods. Here’s an example: Note: You can use the Dictionary constructor (new Dictionary<string, int>(filterList)) instead of ToDictionary() if you prefer. This produces a new dictionary with the filtered item: Where() produces a list (actually an IEnumerable) of KeyValuePair objects. Most … Read more

C# – Convert a list to a dictionary

The simplest way to convert a list to a dictionary is to use the Linq ToDictionary() method: This loops through the list and uses the key/element selector lambdas you passed in to build the dictionary. In this article, I’ll go into details about how to use ToDictionary() and show how to deal with duplicate keys. … Read more

C# – Unit testing code that does File IO

If your code does File IO, such as reading text from a file, then it’s dependent on the file system. This is an external dependency. In order to make the unit tests fast and reliable, you can mock out the external dependencies. To mock out the file system dependency, you can wrap the File IO … Read more

C# – Merge two dictionaries in-place

When you merge two dictionaries, you can either merge them in-place, or create a new dictionary and copy the values over to it. The following extension method does an in-place merge of two dictionaries. It loops through items in the right dictionary, adding them to the left dictionary. When duplicate keys exist, it’s keeping the … Read more