C# – Suppress nullable warnings (CS8602)

Sometimes the compiler shows unhelpful nullable warnings. Here’s an example of it showing warning CS8602, when it’s obvious to any human reading the code that you’re doing a null-check already (in ThrowIfNull()): Besides disabling the Nullable feature, there are two ways to suppress nullable warnings on a case-by-case basis: I’ll show both options below. Option … Read more

C# – Ignore the Nullable CS8618 warning in DTO classes

When you have the Nullable Reference Types feature (Nullable for short) enabled, one of the warnings you’ll run into is the following: CS8618 Non-nullable property X must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. This warning doesn’t make sense in a very common scenario: You can just ignore the warning when it applies to DTOs. … Read more

C# – Nullable Reference Types feature basics

The main purpose of the Nullable Reference Types (NRT) feature is to help prevent NullReferenceExceptions by showing you compiler warnings. You can make a reference type nullable (ex: Movie? movie) or non-nullable (ex: Movie movie). This allows you to indicate how you plan on using these references. The compiler uses this info while analyzing actual … Read more

C# – How to use TimeZoneInfo

Time zones are complicated and their rules can change, so it makes sense to use a library when you’re dealing with them. One option in .NET is to use the built-in TimeZoneInfo class. Here’s an example of using TimeZoneInfo to get the local system’s time zone: This outputs: Note: The display name always show the … Read more

CA1062: Validate parameter is non-null before using it

When you have a public method that isn’t null checking its parameters, then you’ll get the CA1062 code analysis warning. This is part of the Nullable Reference Types feature. For example, the following code isn’t null checking the movieRepository parameter: This results in the CA1062 code analysis warning: CA1062 In externally visible method ‘void StreamingService.LogMovies(MovieRepository … Read more

C# – Check if a nullable bool is true

You can’t use nullable bools (bool?) exactly like regular bools, because they aren’t the same thing. When you try to use them like regular bools, you run into compiler errors and runtime exceptions. Instead, you have to explicitly compare the nullable bool with true/false. Here’s an example of checking if a nullable bool is true … Read more