C# – Using custom attributes

Attributes are used to store additional info about a class/method/property. The attributes are read at runtime and used to change the program’s behavior. Here are a few examples of commonly used built-in attributes: In general, you should try to use built-in attributes when possible. When it makes sense, you can create your own custom attribute. … Read more

Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type

Problem Any time you try to use a Linq extension method (such as Select() to transform list elements) and you haven’t added ‘using System.Linq’, you’ll get a compiler error like this: Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type ‘Your Type’.  ‘Select’ not found. In newer versions, the error looks like … Read more

C# – Parsing CSV data when a field has commas

When you have commas in your CSV fields, it creates a conflict with the field delimiting commas. In other words, you can’t tell which data belongs to which field. How you deal with this will depend on one question: is the field with the comma enclosed in quotes? Comma is enclosed in quotes Spreadsheet programs … Read more