C# – Update records with Dapper

You can update records with Dapper by using Execute() with an UPDATE statement and passing in the parameters. Here’s an example: Dapper maps the properties from the param object to the query parameters (ex: it maps year to @year). You can pass in the parameters with an anonymous type (as shown above) or by passing … Read more

C# – Delete records with Dapper

You can delete records with Dapper by using Execute() with a DELETE statement and specifying the record ID as a parameter. Here’s an example: This deletes a single record from the Movies table. Delete multiple records When you’re deleting multiple records, you can efficiently execute a single DELETE statement with a WHERE clause including all … Read more

C# – Using SQL transactions with Dapper

When you want to execute multiple SQL commands with Dapper in a transaction, using TransactionScope is the simplest option. Here’s an example of how to use it: When you call TransactionScope.Complete(), it commits the transaction. If you don’t call Complete(), it’ll rollback the transaction once it leaves the TransactionScope block. This keeps the code nice … Read more

C# – Table-valued parameters (TVP) with Dapper

Table-valued parameters (TVP) allow you to send multiple rows of data as a parameter into SQL queries. This is useful for SELECTs and INSERTs. In this article, I’ll show how to create a TVP in SQL Server and then use it in queries with Dapper. 1 – Create the TVP in SQL Server To be … Read more

C# – SQL Bulk Insert with SqlBulkCopy

When you need to insert multiple rows into the database, consider doing a Bulk Insert instead of inserting one row at a time. Bulk Insertions are up to 20x faster than executing SQL Insert repeatedly. The simplest way to do a SQL Bulk Insert is by using the built-in SqlBulkCopy (from System.Data.SqlClient) with a DataTable. … Read more