C# – Newtonsoft extension methods for HttpClient

System.Net.Http.Json provides extension methods that simplify getting and sending JSON with HttpClient. Internally, it uses System.Text.Json for serialization. What if you want to use Newtonsoft instead of System.Text.Json? You can use the following extension methods for that: These are modeled off of the extension methods in System.Net.Http.Json. HttpClient is used to fetch the JSON content … Read more

C# – Enum generic type constraint

Here’s how you can use Enum as a generic constraint: Note: Microsoft added this feature in C# 7.3. Whenever you have a generic method, it’s a good idea to use generic type constraints. Without constraints, you would have to implement type checking in the generic method and throw exceptions if an invalid type was used. … Read more

C# – Convert a list of strings into a set of enums

Let’s say you have a list of HTTP status codes that you read in when the service starts up (perhaps from appsettings.json or from the database). Whenever you send an HTTP request, you want to check if the returned status code is in this list of status code. To make things more efficient, you want … Read more

How to mock static methods

The need to mock static methods in order to add a unit test is a very common problem. It’s often the case that these static methods are in third-party libraries. There are many utility libraries that are completely made up of static methods. While this makes them very easy to use, it makes them really … Read more