ASP.NET Core – Configure JSON serializer options

ASP.NET Core uses System.Text.Json as the default JSON serializer. To configure the JSON serializer options, call AddJsonOptions() in the initialization code: Calling AddJsonOptions() gives you access to the global JsonSerializerOptions object. This is used for all requests / responses. You can configure the options and add converters (including your own custom JSON converters). ASP.NET Core’s … Read more

How to use Newtonsoft in ASP.NET Core

By default, ASP.NET Core uses System.Text.Json for JSON serialization. If you want to use Newtonsoft instead: Note: Before .NET 6, do this in Startup.ConfigureServices(). Install the right package Microsoft packaged up Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson based on the framework version, so you can’t just install the latest package. You have to find the latest one for the framework … Read more