C# – Disposing the request HttpContent when using HttpClient

In versions before .NET Core 3.0 (including .NET Framework), HttpClient disposes the request HttpContent object for you. This is surprising default behavior (a violation of the principle of least surprise for sure). This causes multiple problems, but one of the main problems is it prevents you from reusing the HttpContent object (you’re greeted with an … Read more

C# – Circuit breaker with Polly

In an electrical system, a circuit breaker detects electrical problems and opens the circuit, which blocks electricity from flowing. To get electricity flowing again, you have to close the circuit. The same approach can be implemented in software when you’re sending requests to an external service. This is especially important when you’re sending lots of … Read more

C# – How to use Polly to do retries

Whenever you’re dealing with code that can run into transient errors, it’s a good idea to implement retries. Transient errors, by definition, are temporary and subsequent attempts should succeed. When you retry with a delay, it means you think the the transient error will go away by itself after a short period of time. When … Read more